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- 1 Blogging 101 Curriculum Development Project
- 2 Status: Getting started.
- 3 Things we should look at before we get started
- 4 Proposed list of topics to be covered in Every Tutorial in Phase 1
- 5 Homepages of the products we are considering for inclusion
- 6 Questions we should address
- 7 Contacts
- 8 Blogging Educators
- 9 Curriculum
- 10 See also
Blogging 101 Curriculum Development Project
Please edit/build on this scope statement.
This project will: (goals)
- Produce learning materials related to weblogs
- Collect links to other resources, manuals, tutorials, walk-throughs and videos related to blogging and blogging platforms
- Explore additional Blogging Education approaches, including: Blogging for <put profession here> and
the ever-popular “Legal Issues Related to Blogging”
In a way that: (constraints)
- Builds on the power of many to make the instruction smarter
- Reflects a variety of approaches, products, levels of investement in time and money, and blogging genres
- Produces free materials (we can discuss this)
So that: (benefits)
- More people can blog, design blogs, use blogs in more contexts, blog more effectively
- Educators and leaders have a standard curriculum
Status: Getting started.
Immediate Priorities
Things we should look at before we get started
- Original BloggerCon Blogging 101 Tutorial<br>
- Google Define:Blog
- Blog Basics
- Learning Blogger Biz Stone’s CD-ROM
- Blogging 101 – Tarheel version
- How to Blog for Fun and Profit
- Learning Movable Type Blog
- j has a bunch of generic intro to blogging presentations. They’re nothing specific to any particular platform, but they’re good for a general overview of how to and why blog. Here’s one from some librarian talk with Shimon Rura, Josh Ain, Garrett Eastman, and Kris Liberman.
- Blogging 101 via WikiBooks
- b2evolution Documentation
- Movable Type Manual
- MT & WP tags
- An Overview of the Weblog Tools Marketand 2005 update by elise
- itkitchen
- WP Wiki
Proposed list of topics to be covered in Every Tutorial in Phase 1
- There will obviously be some variation due to the differences in the categories outlined below, but we feel the following MUST be covered:
- Creating your blog (name and location)
- Posting to your Blog
- Creating a link
- Elements of a posting
- Comments
- A glossary of terms essential or unique to each product
Homepages of the products we are considering for inclusion
Hosted Blog Services
Installed Blog Applications
More about blog services and tools :
PRODUCTS & SERVICES Blogging tools
An Overview of the Weblog Tools Market
2004 Top 40 of Chinese Hosted Blog Services
the blogroots list in on Dec 02 2003
Hosted Blog Services
- Blogger hosted by Google
- Blogware sold by resellers like Blogharbor
- a Typepad-like hosted service for Drupal
- MSN Spaces hosted by MSN
- Frassle hosted by Frassle
- Typepad Sixapart Products
- LJ Sixapart acquires LiveJournal
- HLS blogs Manila technology hosted by Harvard Law School
- ES Designs Manila/UserLand technology
- weblogger Manila/UserLand technology
- Yahoo’s new 360 Service Yahoo just acquired Flickr and this photo app will become part of the 360 suite which is supposed to include a blogging tool.
- Yahoo!Korean Blogs hosted by Yahoo!Korean (not Yahoo!)
- Yahoo!Japan Blogs hosted by Yahoo! Japan (not Yahoo!)
- Excite Japanese Blogs hosted by
- diaryland
- AOL Journals
- blogsome WordPress technology hosting Ireland, related with Blog Ireland
- ardice’s blog
- Javalobby create a new blog
Blog as Attached Services
- offers for members
- offers for members
- Typepad technology
Installed Blog Applications
- Blosxom downloads
- Userland Products
- Frassle downloads
- Movable Type & Movable Type Japanese version Sixapart Products
- b2/cafelog family
- pLog downloads
- nucleus downloads
- GreyMatter
- DruPal
- gblog
- bloghoster Webligo Developments (DBA Webligo) Products
- Roller a Java-based web application Roller WIKI
- .text ASP.NET Weblogs
- dasblog wiki
- pMachine Products
- ExpressionEngine
- pMachine Pro (Please Note: pMachine Pro is no longer under active development.)
- kolkast ColdFusion Blog Software user demo Different Editions
Demo Applications
- opensourceCMS “try before you … install”
Questions we should address
- Scope of phase 1
- Possible phase 2+ projects
- Free tool list for Mac and Windows
- What blogging platforms do we DEFINITELY want to cover?
- What common content do we want in ALL of our Getting Started Videos?
- What common elements do we want in form and function between individual videos?
- Arrangements for Lisa to show us her video screen capture and voice-over techniques
- Finding a home for the project (Isn’t the Berkman Center and its server the “home” of the Project?)
- Agreeing on scope and schedules (to be addressed in our first meetings
Calls for Help
- Michael Feldman, coordinator. US 617-669-0763 (I would like to do or share the Manila video)
Add your name here, alphabetically by last name, using double brackets to create your signature page
- User:Randy Fenstermacher, TBD but OpenSource if not Free.
- User:Shimon Rura, 857.928.3028,, AIM:shimonrura, Website maintenance.
- User:Mike Walsh, 603.491.5018,, WordPress via BlogSome, TypePad
- User:Phil Wolff, 510.444.8234,
- Erica George, Livejournal module
- LS, Manila, Movable Type modules
- User:Jennifer Stoner, 617.283.5687, User-eye view, other nontechnical stuff.
- User:Bill Ives, 617-945-0805,, Basic TypePad functions
Blogging Educators
Who teaches blogging?
- Blogging 101 Group Members Available as Instructors
- Other Blogging Educators and Schools
- Blogging Instructors by Geographic Location
- Events & Workshops Where You Can Learn About Blogging
Links to learning materials.
Current Curricula
Learning materials tested and ready for wide use.
Draft Curricula
Unfinished learning materials
Proposed Curricula
Brainstorms and formal proposals for learning materials.
Archived Curricula
Links to old, obsolete, and lost blog educational tools (thinking ahead)
See also
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