This page, part of the infoAnarchy wiki, describes how many donations infoAnarchy has received and how we will use them. If you have any suggestions of your own, regardless of whether you have made a donation, feel free to edit this page and add a comment. Note: The donation system is currently inactive as I am working to “earn” or pass on past donations. —Erik
August 13, 2002 – $20. Used for: No requests, donator interested primarily in anonymity / data havens. Will use it to work on related reviews/articles/wiki pages, GNUNet review in particular. Update: Looked at Mnet, will look at GNUnet next.
August 19, 2002 – $20. Used for: No requests, donator interested in copy prevention and fair use rights. Will possibly use it for summary of recent DMCA developments. Update: Consider the article “Into the Age of Abundance” the result of this donation.
August 21, 2002 – $10. Used for: No requests so far. Have to do more work on the wiki, so that’s a personal priority. Update: Consider the wiki “recent changes” box on the weblog frontpage and the Friends and Enemies stub the result of this donation.
August 22, 2002 – $5. Used for: No requests so far. Perhaps a review of the latest Morpheus incarnation? Update: Consider the review of SoulSeek the result of this donation.
August 25, 2002 – $10 + $1. Used for: No requests. Definitely need to spend more time on the wiki, and the $1 donation will be good for a cup of coffee 😉 Update: Consider the LimeWire Pro review the result of this donation.
August 27, 2002 – $5. Used for: No requests. Update: Consider the Ogg Vorbis summary article the result of this donation.
September 29, 2002 – $10. Used for: No requests.
Oct 21, 2002 – $20. Used for: donator interested in gift economy mechanisms. Will use it to expand gift economy data page, try to get more relevant stories as well. $10 sent to Luke Francl for Eldred coverage.
Oct 30, 2002 – $20. Used for: no requests. Will use it to improve wiki technology-wise and content-wise.
Oct 31, 2002 – $40h. Requested that amount be noted in hex :-). No further requests yet. Update: I think I’ve earned this for starting the Copyright Term Reform project.
Nov 07, 2002 – $20 sent to Rack for his hard and continuing work on the wiki. Update: I can’t use paypal, not that I’d accept payment anyway. It’s my pleasure. Here, have a donation log update on the house. =) — rack
Dec 29, 2002 – $4. No requests.
Jan 12, 2003 – I removed the donation link from the frontpage until I can catch up with existing promises. —Erik
TakeDown.NET -> “Donations”