The Empathy Collective, in its current form, is an informal decentralized network of autonomous anarchist individuals that strives to cooperate in a way that is freely sharing, mutually supportive, autonomy-respecting, constantly free-form & changing, and in constant process.
– These individuals are committed to practically applying empathy and compassion to their approach to revolutionary social transformation.
– These individuals are also committed to a personal on-going practice with the goals of developing themselves in constructive ways, improving their own abilities to relate empathically with themselves & others, and transforming their own conscioussness into one that is non-moralistically judgemental, that holds an appreciation for complexity and the living process nature of life.
– The individuals within this collective hold and value an outlook and world-view on social relations that is based upon sharing, open-ness, radically respecting individual autonomy, and resultingly, also embracing vulnerability.
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