See also: Data | Internet | FTP
Clients that allow the sending and receiving of files with the FTP protocol and can be used as a file sharing tool.
FTP in a Web Browser
Probably the easiest way to use FTP, many web browsers allow for FTP uploading and downloading of files. Usually they are expressed as “<code></code>” instead of the regular “<code>http://</code>”
Command-Line Software
- Basic, textmode FTP is almost ubiquious across Operating Systems.
- Clients
- FTP Mini-Howto | Mirror for textmode FTP clients, commands, and hints.
- UNIX: On almost any system, open a terminal window and type “ftp”. There are better clients, though. For example clients which support readline or colors.
Graphical Software
- For users who need to transfer a complex array of files, graphical clients allow picking-and-chosing of individual files easier. Makes the FTP more interactive and simpler.
- Client
- Windows:
- *Nix:
TakeDown.NET -> “FTP-Clients”