Global village

See also Internet | Cyberspace | Communications | Technology

The global village is usually envisioned as a vast system of linking communications technology which form a global network.

“The Net offers what Paine and his revolutionary colleagues hoped for – a vast, diverse, passionate, global means of transmitting ideas and opening minds.” – Jon Katz

It is based on the concept of internet integration into all societies and everyone’s daily life. The term originated by Marshall McLuhan in his 1964 book “Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man”. The global village is all the countries of the world when thought of as being closely connected by modern communications and therefore economically, politically, socially and environmentally dependent on each other.

Democracy, Capitalism and Industrialism (all integrated into a form of Plutocracy) are major forces driving the idea of the Global Village.Democracy, Capitalism and Industrialism (all integrated into a form of Plutocracy) are major forces driving the idea of the Global Village. Everyone recognizes the desirability of community for the world as a whole. but we have two very different models of world community or public sphere;

  1. Internationalization
  2. Globalization.

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