See also: Religion | Meme | Monotheism | Polytheism
A concept pertaining to:
- Perfection and/or infinity (An impossibility or God principle.)
- Ultimate love, truth, power, and/or creation (The absolute of something.)
- An omnicient, transcendant universal consiousness (He watches over us.)
- The force that allows entry to paradise and thereby governs right and wrong (Let God sort them out.)
- Concerning all of creation
Many religions that have very-powerful or omnipotent spiritual agents refer to some (or one) of them as Gods. Most often described as the single supreme being worshipped by monotheistic religions, including Judeo-Christians and Muslims. Usually capitalized, though the word itself differs between languages and religions. Those less than religious have been known to use “ghod” to politely refer to aforementioned concepts in terms of the ultimate Good Guy, perfection, and/or infinity.
The Trouble with God
This is a dangerous topic as many people strongly hold one of side ofthe religion versus science alienation:
- Some believe religion, and the concept of a god (especially as supreme being) to be a myth; a reification of hierarchical thinking, and a way of hiding from reality or spreading propaganda to present a false vision of reality. They focus much more on scientific method to determine natural laws, which they see as the only real truth. Some of these people get offended when others speak of supreme beings, because they want everyone to act from seeing things as they really are.
- Others believe that without a spiritual foundation (which for many includes one or more gods), scientific developments can only bring us misery. Many of them don’t see how else people can maintain hope, or stay connected to nature or other people. Some of these people get offended when others speak of god(s) as if it/they did not exist, because they want everyone to have that sense of connection.
These forces often summarize themselves as religion versus science and clash on issues such as abortion, evolution/dinosours, and separation of church and state. Ironically, even within the Judeo-Christian tradition many scientists and clergy have seen no contradiction (e.g. Albert Einstein, Teilhard De Chardin). Many religious philosophies have a much less “supreme being”-like conception of god than is common in monotheistic traditions. Even some less religious people have been known to use “ghod” to politely refer to this concept such as the ultimate Good Guy, perfection, and/or infinity.
One of the problems for those who believe in a god is the diverse intepretation of morality rules or god’s supposed will.
Religious Moderates
Moderates believe that there are ways that religion and science can peacefully coexist. As science develops, ethics groups speak out for human rights and environmental damage caused by progress. As statistics suggest marriage is a failing institution, religion still provides an untold number of ceremonial unions. People go to the hospital when they are sick but still pray for health.
Moderates believe that there are ways that religion and science can peacefully coexist. As science develops, ethics groups speak out for human rights and environmental damage caused by progress. As statistics suggest marriage is a failing institution, religion still provides an untold number of ceremonial unions. People go to the hospital when they are sick but still pray for health.
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