
See also: Graphics | GIF | JPEG | PNG

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File extension: *.JP2, *.JPC, *.J2K

An advanced standard in picture compression, especially useful for pictures and better than JPEG file compression. Like the well-known JPEG it is published from the Joint Photographic Expert Group. The standard allows both lossless and lossy compression and the best quality to size ratio so far. The format be based on XML and contains a set of metadata that facilitate the administration and a finding of pictures on the Internet.

The above was partially adapted from German Wikipedia ( translation ( It is licensed under the FDL.

Unfortunately, this system may never be fully adopted as a result of being encombered by numerous patents and licensing schemes. Confusing patent statement (

View JPEG2000 files

  • Long list of plugins ( for Web browsers, Microsoft Word and more.
  • IrfanView (
  • J2K-Codec ( – An easy-to-use JPEG2000 decoder.

Create JPEG2000 files

Software supporting JPE file creation and reading:

  • IrfanView ( – requires a plugin to create JPE files but completely free for both plugin and program (donations accepted).

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