- Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages; a computer architecture.
- Million Integer-instructions Per Second; a benchmark measure.
See also: Architecture | RISC | SGI
Home Page: http://www.mips.com
Acronym: Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages
Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIPS-architecture
An architecture by MTI. MTI was acquired by SGI in the 90’s. Earlier versions of the MIPS were 32-bit, whereas later versions of the architecture were 64-bit
Computers using the MIPS architecture include:
- SGI Indigo (32-bit). R2000, R3000.
- SGI Indy (64-bit). R4x00, R5000.
- SGI Indigo2 (64-bit). R4400, R10000.
- SGI Octane (64-bit). R10000 and higher.
- SGI O2 (64-bit). R10000 and higher.
- SGI Tezro (64-bit). R10000 and higher.
- Several Cisco routers.
- Nintendo N64 (64-bit). R4300.
- Sony Playstation2 (64-bit). R5000.
- Futuretech: SGI Tech Advice (http://futuretech.mirror.vuurwerk.net/sgi.html).
See also: Benchmarking
Acronym: Million Integer-instructions Per SecondĀ :
Acronym: Million Floating-point-instructions Per SecondĀ :
- Futuretech: MIPS/MFLOPS and CPU Performance (http://futuretech.mirror.vuurwerk.net/perf.html)
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