

<b>Thanks for all your questions this quarter. This Wiki page is officially closed on June 1, 2004. I’m afraid I can’t give you any credit for submissions from hear on out. Big thanks to our Wiki host!-drm</b>

Moved from Instructional Technology Questions:

Question on Chp 1Dr. Moore, I understand the benefits of cooperate learning and I do plan on using it in my classroom however, what are your suggestions for integrating 3 working computers in a classroom of 30 students? Jabaar Thompson.

Question on Chp 2In the NTep philosophy,it appears to me that they are assuming that the teacher is the expert and the students are actively engages in the learning process. My question to you is that often times our students in the highschool classrooms are more of the computer experts then I will ever be, so how do you affectively facilitate the integration of computers in your subject content when your student’s computer savvy is higher then your?

Questions on Chapter 1

  • Is there an advantage one way or the other, when considering IBM PCs verses Apple Macintosh for the classroom; i.e. does one offer a better variety of software? – Robin McKenzie
  • On page 1.11, smart phones are listed as mobile computers and devices. I’m a little confused about what a smart phone is for sure. Could it be a cell phone? Some cellphones have color screens, play music and allow you to take and send pictures as do smart phones (according to the text). – Ashley Lloyd
  • With so much emphasis in schools on technology, how do we (as educators) make the most of computers, the internet, etc., without alienating or leaving out parents and students who may not be able to afford access in their own homes? – Molly Tinker
  • Do computers pose a threat to teaching and learning due to their ability to be so diverse, thereby making it easy for teachers and learners to ‘get lost?in any of the myriad trajectories? Loyd Mbabu
  • Is there evidence to support the notion that the appropriate use of technology in the classroom can enhance students’ achievement? If so, in what ways? Does the incorporation of technology enhance achievement more in one discipline than another? Lori Spine
  • Is it more important to understand how technology works or to know how to use it? For instance, do we need to understand how software tells hardware what to do, or are we okay if we know only how to use the software program? Calandra Cook
  • How would one classify a CBR/CBL…as an input device or mobile device? J. DeWolfe
  • Can any school take advantage of the Federal Communications Commission’s Education Rate (E-Rate)Program, like Ridgedale High School did? Also, what does a school need to do to get involved with this program? Leslie Chewning
  • To go along with Robin’s question, I have noticed that the department of education uses Macs almost exclusively, while the rest of O.U. has seemed to convert soley to the use of P.C.s. Is there any specific reson for this, or is McCracken just doing this to make all our lives difficult? Do Macintoshes afford more opportunities for educational use? Are they easier to navigate? Are they more common in classrooms? – Molly Sullivan

Questions on Chapter 2

  • The book does not seem to be clear on the difference between the <b>Internet,</b> and the <b>World Wide Web</b>. On page 2.19, the <i>Shelly Cashman</i> <b>Internet</b> address is illustrated as being WWW.scsite.com while on page 2.20, the book says that “Most Web page URLs begin with http://”. Whereas these statements are generally true, they do not seem to emphasize the difference between the two because: 1.All <b>World Wide Web</b> pages should have a WWW on their address. Thus the emphases should have been on WWW rather than http; and 2.A good proportion (probably the majority) of data on the <b>Internet</b> does not have WWW on their address. Think about all the information in databases and servers across the world whose address does not have WWW. Am I on the right track? Loyd Mbabu
  • I have a question along the same line as Loyd’s. I need clafification on how the world wide web is related to the internet. I also have a question about the programs that I often see in schools that allow a school to block certain webpages. What is this software called and who decides what is available to students? Do teachers get to decide or is it programmed into the software?? -Sarah Pasela
  • Ideally, how often should teachers have their students use the Internet in the classroom and/or for assignments outside of class? – Calandra Cook
  • If computers in a lab are networked, can you buy one software cd to share between them on the network? For example, I noticed that when the students would play Oregon Trail (off the desktop) events in the game such as hunting affected each individual game. Was this because each computer was sharing one game off the network? – Robin McKenzie
  • I have used many different web browsers, and I found many new browsers I haven’t used listed in this chapter. I was wondering which browsers would be better and easier for students to use. What are your opinions? –Maria Frecker
  • The chapter mentioned a second Internet, but was pretty vague in its explanation. What is Internet II? Is O.U. connected? How is it different from the regular Internet? How will it benefit us in the future? – Molly Sullivan
  • The chapter mentioned WANs, LANs, and a few other types of networks, but it didn’t mention a definition for ethernet. What is an ethernet, and how does it differ from the internet and other types of networks? – Molly Tinker
  • There are numerous links that can be used to enhance educational opportunities in the classroom. Is there a general website that gives useful and critical reviews of the various sites? – Rick Cooksey
  • The chapter very briefly mentioned filtering software to limit student access to websites that are considered inappropriate.

I am curious who makes the decisions as to what is inappropriate and exactly how the filtering software works. For example, in a high school biology class students certainly should be able to seach for web for “sex” to reach academic sites and not pull up adult entertaiment sights–can the software allow the student to search for words like this and guarantee that students can only access appropriate sites? – Justin DeWolfe.

  • This may be a little off the educational topic, but since downloading music from the Internet has become so prevalent, how does one determine who is downloading music illegally? How do the regulators, whoever they are, detect users who are downloading music from sites such as LimeWire for free and then pursue charges based on criminal action? I am just wondering how this is possible. – Lori Spine
  • On page 2.15, the book says that more than 95% of K-12 classrooms in the United States are now connected to the Internet. What can be done so that 100% of K-12 classrooms in the United States are connected to the Internet? More than likely the 5% of classrooms without the Internet are in school districts with low SES, so shouldn’t the government step in to help out these schools? – Leslie Chewning
  • Internet usage is discussed in this chapter as well as e-mail. One issue that I have noticed in the school system where I work is that e-mail webpages such as hotmail and yahoo are not accessible. I feel that e-mail competence is important for children to learn and comfortably use. Although not all children have access at their homes, I think providing them with email addresses and time to check them at school would be beneficial. I am wondering if email is used in classrooms outside of my school district. If so, to what extent?–Ashley Lloyd
  • What is the difference between the PC and Mac?—Lawrencia R. Godwyll
  • Don’t you think the use of the internet and the world wide web is a threat to state security and individual privacy? If yes what are school authorities doing to protect their students? Again the 5% of K-12 who are not hook to the internet where are they? Are they spread all over the US or they are at specific areas? Sally Owusu-Kwarteng

Questions on Chapter 3

  • As a technology facilitator at my school, I am supposed help figure out a way to get each teacher to create their own web page. We will need to provide training to teachers of various computer abilities. What do you think our first inservice about this should focus on, so we don’t scare away those teachers who aren’t crazy about computers anyhow? How can we help motivate the teachers and show them the benefits of having their own classroom web page? — Maria Frecker
  • When choosing what computer applications to purchase/use, how do you know which ones are best for you without trying each of them? — Molly Tinker
  • Which operating system is better, Windows XP or Mac OS X? Which one offers more options? What are the major similarities and differences of each one? -Leslie Chewning
  • When considering how often Microsoft Office is updated with new versions, how frequently should a technology lab upgrade? ~Robin McKenzie
  • In what ways is the HyperStudio software different from/similar to PowerPoint? What would be a particular situation where you would want to use HyperStudio instead of PowerPoint or vice versa? ~Lori Spine
  • With the advent of educational software (online encyclopedias, journals etc), will there be a need for the old fashioned sets of encyclopedias the I fondly remember using back in the 1970s and 80s when I was in the public school? Justin DeWolfe
  • I was intrigued by the voice/speech recognition applications that the book mentioned. How available are these programs to classrooms? Do you think such applications would benefit children with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, or do you think that allowance/reliance on voice recording programs would cause dependency and stall the learning process? -Molly Sullivan
  • Once you learn how to use one application in a parrticular suite that skill can be applied to all applications. Does it mean there is no any significant difference in the various applications? Sally Owusu-Kwarteng
  • For the visually impaired students, is the computer designed like the braille? Lawrencia Godwyll

Will there be an opportunity to use and apply formulas to a spreadsheet? Rick Cooksey

  • Do you see problems/issues with students using computer programs for great lengths of time throughout the day? My experience with that is the children complain of headaches and their eyes hurting, etc. – -Ashley Lloyd
  • What exactly would the function of a teacher’s Web page be? Would it be a teaching aid, reference tool, or the teacher’s own sort-of portal? Loyd Mbabu
  • It seems as if there are so many options out there on the market, is there a consumers choice, or some other resource, that teachers and administrators can use to make decisions about what software to use in their schools?

-Sarah Pasela

  • I know this will sound like I am from the middle ages, but I will take the risk…Is it a possibility that we rely too much upon technology? It definitely makes life easier, but I wonder if we are losing the knowledge of important skills because we depend on technology so much. Just a thought. — Calandra Cook

Chapter 3 Questions:

  • I have used both ink-jet and laser printers and do not see why most people favor laser. Nor do I understand why they are so much more expensive. Is it because the ink lasts longer on laser or simply the better quality? – – -Ashley Lloyd

Chapter 4 Questions:

  • I use the feature “disk defragmenter” on my computer because I was told this would be good to do. What does this really do for my computer? What other regular maintenance type features should I do on my computer?–Maria Frecker
  • Chapter 4 speaks about paperless offices and classrooms. Are there any efforts being made to preserve institutional (or classroom) memory in the unfolding milieu? In other words, is there a systematic way of taking over from departing people who have had their own way of organizing their filing systems? — Loyd Mbabu
  • I’ve seen USB sticks, like those mentioned in the chapter, that can be attached to key chains and carried easily wherever you go. But I’ve wondered how durable those are. Will they damage easily, or will they stand up to be tossed into purses and backpacks and still retain their information? — Molly Tinker
  • Do all electronic devices use the binary system, or just computers? Is this the easiest way to represent information or the only way? (It seems complicated to me.) — Calandra Cook
  • In Chapter 4, the book conveys that CDs and DVDs are both optical storage media. What are some of the major differences in burning info on a CD and burning info on a DVD besides the size of the info. — Jabaar Thompson
  • When looking at system requirements, why does it take more memory to run the same program on XP than on earlier versions of windows? ~Robin McKenzie
  • The book talked about the superior quality of laser printers over ink-jet printers and the like. What sort of printers do OU computer labs mostly use? Can ink-jets print in color or on photograph paper? How expensive are the ink cartridges for laser printers as opposed to ink-jet printers? – Molly Sullivan
  • Several CD writers ask for an exact copy, data disk or audio. What is the difference between a data disk and an exact copy? -Rick Cooksey
  • Is the Chinese and Japanese alphabet also represented by the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)on personal computers or is there is there a completely different coding scheme? If there is a different coding scheme, then how does it work and is it similar to the one we use for the English alphabet? -Leslie Chewning
  • What is the difference between CD’s and MP3’s, are they both optical storage media? Also why do my European CD’s not play on my American CD player but they will on my lab top? -Sarah Pasela
  • If a floppy disk suddenly goes bad, is there any way to retrieve the information stored on it, or is it just completely lost? -Lori Spine

Chapter 5 Questions:

  • I find it difficult to believe that online degree programs are equal in quality to actually attending the university as we do. Does anyone else feel this way or have opinions otherwise? – – Ashley Lloyd
  • Since there are hundreds – perhaps thousands – of software titles deemed appropriate for K-12 learning, is there an effort to create a national <b>must-learn</b> list that institutes of higher learning can expect students to be familiar with? — Loyd Mbabu
  • Chapter 5 says “Electronic Books have arrived”. I would think printing an entire novel off your computer or having to sit and read it all in front of your computer would be unhandy. Are “electronic books” actually full text books you can download on your computer to read? — Maria Frecker
  • I’m curious about the presence of educational games in the classroom. Are these mostly used at the elementary level? I know the book mentioned there are such games for all age levels, but I find it hard to believe that high school students are playing computer games in school. Am I wrong? – Calandra Cook
  • I wondered if the microwave system used by OU was considered a form of distance learning, and/or a larger form of video compression? ~Robin McKenzie
  • How far away or should I say , How close are we to having students learn from a virtual reality setting? It seems like a good ideal for those students who may be unable to attend class due to sickness or disability. Jabaar Thompson
  • Since multimedia newspapers and magazines (e-zines) and electronic books are becoming so popular, would it be possible that newspapers, magazines, and books will no longer be in print and only be available electronically in the future? If this happens, then will libraries turn into huge computer labs, in which people will only be able to read a book, magazine, or newspaper on a computer? -Leslie Chewning
  • Since there are so many online publications, there must be problems with plagerism. Are there organizations that regulate this or at least list honest sites??? -Sarah Pasela
  • I agree with Ashley about online college degrees. I was wondering if there is some type of national standard or uniform test that students of these online universities must take? Are degrees from these type of universities as widly accepted as regular degrees? Should we all quit O.U. and just get our master’s online? 🙂

Chapter 6 Questions:

  • The book mentions giving a skill-assessment survey to identify individual students’ technology skill levels so that teachers can have a starting point for developing instructional strategies. Is there a good resource where I could get a skills assessment for this? — Maria Frecker
  • As a technology instructor, how much time should be spent integrating technology into the curriculum, compared to the amount of time spent teaching technology? For example, should you spend the majority of the time with lessons that are teaching the core subjects through technology than with lessons that teach how to use, or understand the technology? ~Robin Mckenzie
  • It seems that students are being tested at every grade level to determine their educational progress in some area. While most tests focus on the major subjects (science, math, reading, ect.), is it likely or possible that knowledge and understanding of technology will soon be added to standardized tests? Or is technology more like music and art – important, but not important enough to be included on these tests? – Calandra
  • I don’t understand the difference between authentic learning and active learning as they are described in the text on page 6.12. – -Ashley
  • I know there are grants out there to increase teacher training as well as computer supplies in schools, but I don’t know who offers them. How do you find them? — Molly Tinker
  • In this changing world of technology, kids are growing up with high tech computer games such as Nintendo and many others. Moreover, many kids at around age 9 are able to make new home electronic devices work before their parents can find the manuals. Are we doing them a disservice by availing so little technology in the classroom? They seem so ready and so eager! Loyd Mbabu
  • For teacher training with tecnology integration, is this class the only training we should expect or will be engaged in further training programs once we are working full-time at a school? -Lori

Is there a source for KWL charts. I am familiar with the advanced organizer (Inspiration) and have heard there are several more. Rick

  • You always hear stories of young kids breaking into private computers (my little cousin got suspended for breaking into NASA). Are we as teachers given enough encouragement to teach the ethics of technology? Where can we find sources regarding this? -Sarah Pasela
  • The book says that technology can help address learning styles typically neglected by traditional teaching methods. Does this mean that technology will appeal to every learning style and which type of learning sytles are typically neglected by traditional teaching methods that technology can help? -Leslie Chewning
  • How realistic is it to have learning centers in a highschool setting when the classroom is at capacity and your main objective is to keep all students on task. Jabaar Thompson
  • What is the best source for the designated computer technology standards for teachers? Who designates them? Are they national standards or state standards or both? Are they online? How closely are the achievement of these standards monitored? -Molly Sullivan

Chapter 7 Questions

  • I think I get the logic in evaluating educational technology and integrating it in the curriculum. But I am still struggling with the percentage of time teachers are expected to spend in these activities and, perhaps more importantly, just how much technology is ideal for instruction – Loyd Mbabu
  • How are we supposed to expect parents and communities to support technology in the schools when so many of them are reluctant to pass levies that simply pay for school maintenance? Calandra
  • My question is about copyright laws. What are the general rules about using items found on the Internet or in textbooks as a learning tool in the classroom? — Maria Frecker
  • The text mentions technology conferences. Are these conferences easy to find and affordable for teachers to attend? — Molly Tinker
  • My question goes along with Calandra’s. It is difficult enough to encourage voters to provide sufficient funds to pay for simple maintenance. I foresee difficulty in convincing the majority of taxpayers that we need money for technology as well. They have the mentality that they didn’t need it when they were in school so why should current students need technology. In most/some cases, these elder (not to offend anyone—Rick 🙂 ) folks are the landowners who pay the taxes and shoot down the levies. I guess my question is how can our generation of technology users convince fellow teachers and voters that technology is essential and important in the education of our youth? –Ashley
  • The book doesn’t mention it, but don’t we need to take into account what technology our students have and don’t have? When we evaluate technology for classroom use we sometimes assume that our kids will have computers in their homes. Don’t we need to be careful to always assign class time and allow students an oppurtunity to use school equipment? -Sarah Pasela
  • The book discusses several types of assessments, but doesn’t mention which type would be the best assessment for evaluating the effectiveness of technology integration. Which assessment is the best one to use in a classroom that integrates technology into the curriculum? -Leslie Chewning
  • Although I realize that technology in the classroom is essential to preparing students for the real world, I’m also worried that the ease of Internet and avalibility of online resources and documents will make books and libraries a thing of the past. Is this a necessary evil in the development of our society? Does anyone else fear a day when books become obsolete? I know that when I design lessonplans, I usually limit online sources, yet as a student, I almost soley use online resources in my research. Is there a happy medium? – Molly SUllivan
  • I wondered how much evaluation should be done by the classroom teacher as opposed to the technology coordinator. If there are titles already being used by the school, should the classroom teacher assume that they are quality titles? ~Robin McKenzie

Chapter 8 Questions

  • My question pertains to monitoring students’ and teachers’ use of the Internet. I can see why filters should be used to protect children from offensive materials but I don’t understand why school districts restrict e-mail and Internet use. I would have thought that these services would make teachers more efficient, motivated, etc. — Loyd Mbabu
  • I know that grants and other funds cover the expenses for buying school computers, but does that money also cover the costs for insurance and other protective services? – Calandra
  • Where do personal rights cross into employer rights especially when reagrding privcy of e-mail and computers?? Is it OK for an employer to check employee e-mails? Because these are relatively new issues will we eventually have to create new laws regarding internet rights? -Sarah Pasela
  • At my school, the technology coordinator is suggesting we block all e-mail attachments in order to prevent viruses. Do you think this is a good idea? I don’t think it is…I think the best prevention is to keep virus software updated and educate the staff about how to protect your computer from viruses.–Maria Frecker
  • My questions is similar to Lloyd’s. When I was in high school, all e-mail sites were blocked and forbidden, and we weren’t provided school e-mail addresses or anything. However, friends at neighboring schools actually had school e-mail addresses that they could access during free time. I see more benefits (communication with teachers, other schools, pen pals, etc) than risk with students having e-mail but are there specific risks (besides viruses) that I don’t see? — Molly Tinker
  • I’m curious if any of the current teacher in the class have signed AUP’s before (Acceptable Use Policy)? Ashley
  • The book says that traditional textbooks will fade into history and be replaced by web-enhanced textbooks. What exactly is a web-enhanced textbook? Is the book we use for this class a web-enhanced textbook since it has a correlating web site or can web-enhanced textbooks only be used on the web? -Leslie Chewning
  • The book mentions the “well-known” worm virus “MELISSA.” What was this virus? When did it hit and how many computers did it effect?
  • Do antivirus programs that are put on a network provide the same amount of protection as if they were installed on individual computers? ~Robin McKenzie
  • How often does the government employ former high level hackers who have broken into some of what the government had thought was unhackable firewalls? – Jabaar Thompson

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