See also: File sharing | BitTorrent | Hive
- Where content in File-Sharings systems com from
- Where Peers in true decentralized can gain access
- How a Pseudo-Random Generator is initalized
Table of contents 1 1) File Sharing content
2 2) P2P Access Addreses
3 3) Pseudo Random Generators
1) File Sharing content
As with plants, a network seed is a beginning of a distribution, usually for a self-expanding download like BitTorrent. The term comes from the hope that the seed will “grow” with expanding distribution of a file. The seeder can chose to contribute further or disconnect once the basic upload or several uploads has completed. It is good Karma to upload as much as one can.
Any member of a File Sharing system who intentionally begins, or “seeds,” the distribution of a file or files.
This is different from simply sharing one’s hard drive as it sometimes requires some effort to make available.
After a given upload has finished and no one is distributing it any longer, the download can restart again if someone with the file re-adds it to his upload. This is usually done per request as via a Forum notice or IRC channel.
2) P2P Access Addreses
When a peer boots the first time, it has to know some addreses of other peers. This is usualy done by a file distributed with the binaries or is downloadable (from a single server) during the installation. Because this requirment collisions with the P2P ideal of true decentralization, some effort are underway to find other solutions.
3) Pseudo Random Generators
Because the numbers are pseudo-random, they can be predicted. Often, if the actuall time in millisecond is taken with the computer’s exact time, it is possible to re-generate this value. It is recommended that you provide a seed to the generator in secure applications, for instance through mouse-movement or random-key pressing sequences.
TakeDown.NET -> “Seed”