See also: Usenet Etiquette | NNTP | E-Mail | File sharing | Newsreader | Forum | Information
- “Usenet is a world-wide distributed discussion system. It consists of a set of ‘newsgroups’ with names that are classified hierarchically by subject. ‘Articles’ or ‘messages’ are ‘posted’ to these newsgroups by people on computers with the appropriate software — these articles are then broadcast to other interconnected computer systems via a wide variety of networks. Some newsgroups are moderated; in these newsgroups, the articles are first sent to a moderator for approval before appearing in the newsgroup. Usenet is available on a wide variety of computer systems and networks, but the bulk of modern Usenet traffic is transported over either the Internet or UUCP.” –
Some history, FAQ and a timeline about the Usenet. Newsgroups offer everything from composers: “” to adoption: “alt.adoption.issues”, to Warez.
- Open Usenet Server
- Usenet binary newsgroup search engine
- Google’s Groups
- Giganews – A recommended for-pay Usenet service
- News.Individual.NET – A very cheap (10€ a year) NNTP server with very good feed. Very often a better alternative that what your ISP has to offer. No binaries groups.
- Usenet Binaries – Free and commercial web based Usenet service
- NNTP and SSL howto – A howto explaining how to run NNTP over SSL (NTTPS protocol), using Stunnel and Agent with Microsoft Windows as an example. Your NNTP server must support SSL. Hamster (Win32 and an open-source server) for example supports NNTP over SSL. Some clients, like Pnews, have native NTTPS support.
- I Remember USENET – by Brad Templeton
- The Rec.humor.funny Ban
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