Web browsers

See also: Software | Web browser | Information

Google Directory: WWW/Browsers






To be categorized

  • Debris | GNU Pagedebris is a free text mode HTML browser package. It provides support for tables and forms. It is a secure environment suited for public terminals, and is small (only 25% of the size of lynx) and fast. – no frames or javascript support yet. debris is a spin-off of DBOX.
  • Netrik | Sourceforge Page | GNU PageNetrik is an advanced text mode WWW browser. Its mission is to give you access to as much of the web as possible in text mode, without forsaking any possible comfort. To achieve that, netrik will need many advanced features, including multi-windowing, CSS, Javascript, HTML filtering/rewriting, and maybe some optional graphical capabilities. However, the goal is not to implement as many killer-features as possible; rather, the priorities are a really good user interface, and innovative new features not found in other browsers, making life easier and emphasizing the advantages of text mode. Presently, netrik has all what is necessary for basic web browsing; none of the advanced features are present yet. There are already a few nice little goodies, though.
  • retawq – Multithreaded, small web browser for text terminals.

More web browsers…

  • browsers.evolt.org – Database containing multiple versions of a huge numner of web-browsers.

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